We provide the Official CTN Document for 20+ African countries.

ECTN Vietnam is a company established in 2005 and its sector of activity is based on providing a valid Cargo Tracking Note for the exportation and importation of products in different African countries. Cargo Tracking Note being a certificate required by many African countries, our main objectives are to provide good services to our customers, make sure to give them the right certificate for all their shipments and also furnish these Cargo Tracking Notes (CTN) certificates within a short period of time. By clicking here you can see what our customers are saying about us.

We are proud to provide a Reliable and Independent CTN certificate service of the highest quality. Independent because waiver certification is the only service we provide. All our energy and specialties are employed to reduce Exporters’ and Freight Forwarders’ time wasted on CTN application. From filling the certificate application forms to examining entailed documents, ECTN Vietnam team is committed to the ’24-48 hour policy’, within which we validate most of the CTN applications. Our precision and 100% confidence from literally everyone who has experienced our service, have facilitated us being accredited to provide waiver certificate for more than 20 Countries in Africa.

Cargo Tracking Notes provide a safe system for shippers, consignees and destination countries to track their cargoes going to African countries. Therefore this system helps to stop issues related to losses and mixes of boarded products arriving at their final destination. And so, security, logistical monitoring, and improvements are made possible.

*Each country that requires CTN has its own regulations and rules. From the top menu, you can simply check your destination country’s regulations.

Learn More About Us or CTN

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Our main mission is to validate your CTN in maximum 24 hours. Please note that validation process may take up to 5 working days depending on the destination country’s procedures.

Our Mission


Satisfaction Rate

Many of our clients from all around the world was happy with our services.


CTN Provider

We are the fastest and the most reliable provider of the CTN.


Unique Business

We provided the CTN for 520+ unique business’ thus far.

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